Friday, August 30, 2024
Packaging Change on Sikkens LV 250 Accelerator Dosing Bottle
AkzoNobel has made a packaging change to the Sikkens LV 250 Accelerator due to a discontinuation from a third-party supplier. This product will transition from its' current bottle in a 12 pack carton, to a twin neck dosing bottle in a 6 pack carton, resulting in the introduction of a new part number alongside the packaging change.
Please make sure to update your systems with the new part number, as this change is effective immediately.
New Item Number 605332:
Product Description
Sikkens LV 250 Accelerator
Sikkens LV 250 Accelerator
Product Description
Sikkens LV 250 Accelerator
Sikkens LV 250 Accelerator